Зарубежные статьи по муковисцидозу

Научные статьи о муковисцидозе, вышедшие в зарубежных журналах в 2013г

1. Drug induced complications; can we do more?
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 12 (2013) 547-558 

Daniel Peckham, Paul Whitaker

Abstract: Drug induced complication are becoming increasingly common in CF. In this review we discuss some of the key issues relating to drug side in an ageing population of patients with CF. Strategies to reduce drug complications are also discussed.


Научные статьи о муковисцидозе, вышедшие в зарубежных журналах в 2012г

1. Cystic fibrosis research in allied health and nursing professions
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 11 (2012) 387–392 

Judy M. Bradley, Susan Madge, Alison M. Morton, Alexandra L. Quittner, J. Stuart Elborn


This report is the result of the “Allied Health and Nursing Professions Working Group” meeting which took place in Verona, Italy, November 2009, which was organised by the European Cystic Fibrosis Society, and involved 32 experts. The meeting was designed to provide a “roadmap” of high priority research questions that can be addressed by Allied Health Professionals (AHP) and nursing. The other goal was to identify research skills that would be beneficial to AHP and nursing researchers and would ultimately improve the research capacity and capability of these professions. The following tasks were accomplished: 1) a Delphi survey was used to identify high priority research areas and themes, 2) common research designs used in AHP and nursing research were evaluated in terms of their strengths and weaknesses, 3) methods for assessing the clinimetric and psychometric properties, as well as feasibility, of relevant outcome measures were reviewed, and 4) a common skill set for AHPs and nurses undertaking clinical research was agreed on and will guide the planning of future research opportunities. This report has identified important areas and themes for future research which include: adherence; physical activity/exercise; nutritional interventions; interventions for the newborn with CF and evaluation of outcomemeasures for use in AHP and nursing research. It has highlighted the significant challenges AHPs and nurses experience in conducting clinical research, and proposes strategies to overcome these challenges. It is hoped that this report will encourage research initiatives that assess the efficacy/effectiveness of AHP and nursing interventions in order to improve the evidence base. This should increase the quality of research conducted by these professions, justify services they currently provide, and expand their skills in new areas, with the ultimate goal of improving care for patients with CF.
© 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of European Cystic Fibrosis Society.


Журнал "Кистозный фиброз/Муковисцидоз"

Журнал "Кистозный фиброз/Муковисцидоз" (The Journal of Cystic Fibrosis is the official journal of the European Cystic Fibrosis Society), официальный журнал Европейского общества кистозного фиброза/муковисцидоза http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/15691993
Печатается на английском языке.
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Консультируем по проблеме муковисцидоза

Консультационную линию ведет Наталия Юрьевна Каширская

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Консультация по небулайзерной терапии

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Консультация юриста

grichinЮридические консультации проводят адвокаты Московской коллегии адвокатов "Интеллектуальные решения", специализирующиеся на медицинском и фармацевтическом праве. Консультации даются в общем виде со ссылками на основные действующие в Российской Федерации нормативные правовые акты,


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